A lecture by Peter on Linear Algebra. I scanned parts of the video, didn't really like it. Maybe its because I think I am done with this part of Linear Algebra,( have to go through it once more for M208, I suppose ) or its simply because I am interested mainly in groups at the moment.
Anyway, a very abstract and fast talk starting with the definition of a vector space all leading up to the change of basis problem. The change of basis problem is in itself not easy and takes a lot of practive to get comfortable with. A lot of material to go through in just one lecture. It took me months to fully understand these topics. Just to compare: Strang took about 10 lectures to cover this material.
See also: http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Mathematics/18-06Spring-2005/VideoLectures/index.htm
5-2024 Boxing day is not for boxers only !
2 months ago
Yeah, he flies thru this material. I prefer to leisurely read Friedberg ...