If you are ( like me ):
- ( relatively ) new to Galois Theory
- looking for software to support your study of Galois Theory
- prefer software written in Mathematica because you know your way around in it,
then you should continue reading this post.
This year I became quite a fan of the sites of StackExchange. It is a priceless source of readily available know-how. I did not know where to begin looking for Galois Theory Software ( although I knew it existed ) so I posted a question in Mathematics StackExchange here: http://math.stackexchange.com/questions/93689/software-for-galois-theory As you can see I got answers fairly quick. It seemed that Sage, Magma have built-in support for Galois Theory. Both Mathematica and GAP have add-on package solutions. Needless to say these solutions will differ in capabilities, speed and so forth. But I wanted to focus on studying Galois Theorym and not wander off in software land. I accepted the Mathematica answer and pursued that route.
The package did not work!
Written more than a decade ( make that a century or more in software time ) ago or FIVE major releases of Mathematica ago. It got terminally deprecated. Function names used in the package were used in later releases of Mathematica with other, new functions. Other used functions got deprecated and were finally terminated. Software written with an older release can only be opened through the compatibility manager in Mathematica which is quite good at fixing issues. Not this time, which I ascribe to the sheer age of the package. In my confusion I posted the following question in Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8624000/how-to-handle-tag-arrow-is-protected-message-in-mathematica
With some help I was able to correct the issues. I don't know how or where to post it because the download came from here: http://library.wolfram.com/infocenter/Articles/2872/
So if you don't want to go the same issues just follow the posts above. I am of course willing to share my version 8 compatible version of the package.
5-2024 Boxing day is not for boxers only !
1 month ago
Thanks for the library link.
ReplyDeleteCompatibility questionnaire