5-2024 Boxing day is not for boxers only !
1 month ago
As of May 4 2007 the scripts will autodetect your timezone settings. Nothing here has to be changed, but there are a few things
Open University pure maths study and research blog
Every mathematician ( beginner, amateur, and professional alike ) thrills to find simple, elegant solutions to seemingly difficult problems. Such happy resolutions are called "aha! solutions," a phrase popularized by mathematics and science writer Martin Gardner in his books Aha! Gotcha and Aha! Insight. Aha! solutions are surprising, stunning, and scintillating: they reveal the beauty of mathematics. This book is a collection of problems whose aha! solutions I enjoy and hope you will enjoy too. The problems are at the level of the college mathematics student, but there should be something of interest for the high school student, the teacher of mathematics, the "math fan," and anyone else who loves mathematical challenges.
B14 - Computing - 3
B15 - Mathematics for economics - 2
B31 - Pure mathematics - 4
B34 - Computing / Statisitics - 0
B36 - Statistics 1
B46 - Mathematics and learning 2
Open Degree - 1
With n=13.
Or grouped differently and including my own vote.
Math and Learning 2 = 15%
Applied Mathematics 7 = 50%
Pure Mathematics 5 = 35%
With n=14.
Walton Middle School teacher Michelle Voekler has received the 2009 Presidential Award in Mathematics. “Mrs. Voekler’s classroom is amazing!” said WMS Principal Tripp Hope. “Every item in her classroom is used as a teaching school including the walls, the file cabinet, and the floor,” said Principal Hope. “Students are moving around using manipulatives and hands-on learning to understand how math is really is everywhere in our world.”We used to call our high school Colditz. A war camp we had to escape from. The school had forgotten one very important thing: learning us -how to learn-. My mathematics teacher taught straight from Euclid. A geometry based on the rules of logic. Very much considered passez in these days. We were 12,13 ýear olds, he was teaching theorem / proof style. Way too early for us.
Mathematics: is it the fabric of MEST?
This is my voyage
My continuous mission
To uncover hidden structures
To create new theorems and proofs
To boldly go where no man has gone before
(Raumpatrouille – Die phantastischen Abenteuer des Raumschiffes Orion, colloquially aka Raumpatrouille Orion was the first German science fiction television series. Its seven episodes were broadcast by ARD beginning September 17, 1966. The series has since acquired cult status in Germany. Broadcast six years before Star Trek first aired in West Germany (in 1972), it became a huge success.)