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Monday, November 22, 2010

More on MST209 in relation to MIT video lectures

MIT has a video lecture series on multivariable calculus: 18.02, which is in fact a prerequisite for 18.03. I looked further into the topics of MST209 and I now think that 18.02 is a much better preparation for MST209 than 18.03.

It's more or less like this:
MST209 = 18.02 + ( part of ) 18.03
MST209 + MST326 = 18.02 + 18.03

18.02 has lectures on
Lecture 15: Partial Differential Equations
Lecture 16: Double Integrals
Lecture 19: Vector Fields
Lecture 21: Gradient Fields
Lecture 25: Triple Integrals
Lecture 27: Vector Fields in 3D
Lecture 30: Line Integrals
which are topics in MST209.

18.02 Multivariable Calculus


  1. This is useful information. Thanks.
    MST209 looks busy compared with M208.

    I'll be blogging about MST209 as soon as my course materials arrive - if you want to stop by....

    Keep up the interesting posts - they help keep me sane.

  2. You are welcome.

    Please do.

    Yep, I'll visit your site. Have added you to the Bookmarks page, here and in MyOpera.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  3. Thanks for adding me.

    This is a great blog.

    Here's a link you may not be aware of - you'll need to log in to the OU as normal:


  4. Wasn't aware of that one. Looks excellent! The Internet keeps amazing me, and it is still growing.


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